CD is an energetic and bold communicator who speaks from life experiences.
As a minister, mentor, and coach CD endeavors to see men develop their identity in Christ Jesus as ‘priests and kings’ who are grounded Biblically and empowered Spiritually. With years of experience shepherding people, CD equips families to lead their homes with love and confidence, leaving a legacy of faithfulness for many generations to come.
Happily married in 2008, CD and his beloved bride Melody were featured on Fox News, CNN, Chicago Tribune, and the Chicago Sun-Times for their unique love story that has since been an inspiration to thousands across the globe! It is their prayer that by it people are encouraged to trust God with their lives - yes, even their love lives!
CD and Melody are speakers, relationship coaches, and podcast hosts of “Hanging with the Fabiens.”
Together, they have become a strong voice on marriage, healthy relationships, sexual education, manhood, womanhood, and living with purity and purpose.
Their mission is Healing Hearts and Healing Homes.
They enjoy traveling the nation speaking at Weekend to Remember marriage retreats with Family Life and to various diverse audiences. Together they have mentored and coached individuals and couples for over two decades.